Table of Contents:
  • The patriarchal bard : feminist criticism and Shakespeare : King Lear and Measure for measure / Kathleen McLuskie
  • Feminist theory and the editing of Shakespeare : The taming of the shrew revisited / Ann Thompson
  • Women's alternative Shakespeares and women's alternatives to Shakespeare in contemporary British theatre / Lizbeth Goodman
  • Gender and nation : anticipations of modernity in the second tetralogy / Jean E. Howard and Phyllis Rackin
  • How to read The merchant of Venice without being heterosexist / Alan Sinfield
  • The homoerotics of Shakespearean comedy / Valerie Traub
  • Mourning and misogyny : Hamlet and the final progress of Elizabeth I / Steven Mullaney
  • He do Cressida in different voices / Barbara Hodgdon
  • Revolutions, petty tyranny and the murderous husband / Frances Dolan
  • Macbeth and the all-singing, all-dancing plays of the Jacobean witch-vogue / Diane Purkiss
  • The colour of patriarchy : critical difference, cultural difference and Renaissance drama / Ania Loomba.