Table of Contents:
  • 'A noteworthy contribution in the fight against Nazism': Hubertus Prinz zu Löwenstein im Exil / Elke Seefried
  • 'A wandering scholar in Britain and the USA, 1933-45: the life and work of Moritz Bonn / Patricia Clavin
  • 'England find ich gut!' : Facetten aus Leben und Werk des Autors Robert Muller / Wilfried Weinke
  • 'Es soll diese Spur doch bleiben ...' : Hans Jacobus: exile, national socialism and the Holocaust / Steven W. Lawrie
  • Eulenspiegel to Owlyglass : the impact of the work of the exiled illustrators Walter Trier and Fritz Wegner on British children's literature / Gillian Lathey
  • 'Although he is Jewish, he is M & S' : Jewish refugees from Nazism and Marks & Spencer from the 1930s to the 1960s / Ulrike Walton-Jordan
  • Into exile : Ernst Sommer in London / Jennifer Taylor
  • Exil in Grossbritannien : die Keramikerin Grete Loebenstein-Marks / Ursula Hudson-Wiedenmann
  • Selma Kahn : a provincial exile / Andrea Hammel
  • AJR Information in the context of German-language exile journal publication, 1933-1945 / Jon Hughes
  • Listening to refugee voices : the Association of Jewish Refugees Information and research on the refugees from Hitler in Britain / Anthony Grenville.