The lavves resolutions of womens rights: or, The lavves prouision for woemen [microform] : A methodicall collection of such statutes and customes, with the cases, opinions, arguments and points of learning in the lavv, as doe properly concerne women. Together with a compendious table, whereby the chiefe matters in this booke contained, may be the more readily found.

bb Collection of laws and legal works about women.

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Bibliographic Details
Corporate Author: Adam Matthew Publications
Other Authors: Edgar, Thomas (Lawyer), Doddridge, John, Sir, 1555-1628, I. L.
Other title:Lawes resolutions of womens rights.
Lawes resolutions of womens rights: or, the lawes provision for woemen.
Lawes provision for woemen.
Womans lawyer.
Format: Book
Published: London : printed by [Miles Flesher for] the assignes of Iohn More Esq. and are to be sold by Iohn Groue, at his shop neere the Rowles in Chancery-Lane, over against the Sixe-Clerkes-Office, 1632.
Series:Women Advising Women. Women's writing and advice, c1450-1720 ; reel 7:1.

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Call Number: Microfilm 4959
Microfilm 4959 (part 5, reel 7:1) In process