A friendly epistle to neighbour John Taylor, of the city of Norwich [electronic resource] : occasion'd by looking over his sermon preached at the opening of his new chappel; containing an earnest invitation to him to join the Quakers, ... By M. Adamson, an English protestant. The second edition. To which is added by way of postscript, a short dialogue between Mr. Timothy Tell-truth and Obadiah Friendly.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Gale)
Main Author: Adamson, M.
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: London : printed for John Wilkie, 1757.
Item Description:M. Adamson is a pseudonym.
Reproduction of original from the British Library.
Physical Description:2 unnumbered pages, 38 pages ; 8⁰
Reproduction Note:Electronic reproduction.
Citation/References Note:English Short Title Catalog,