Table of Contents:
  • Act one : Georgian patterns. Overture : fashionable acts ; Opera as an "event" : the aesthetics of audience behavior ; A subscription culture : gender and the sociopolitical foundations of opera-going ; To see and to be seen : opera and the "theater of the great"
  • Act two : Victorian adaptations. Overture to act two ; The commercialization of the opera : entrepreneurs and the expansion of the public ; The refashioning of fashionable society : gender and the transformation of operatic culture ; Listening in new ways : audience behavior and the cultural politics of opera reviewing
  • Finale : opera and the reform of elite culture
  • Appendixes. Prices at the King's/Her Majesty's theatre, 1780s-1880 ; Prices at Covent Garden, 1847-1879 ; London's Italian opera managers, 1705-1878 ; Additional tables.