Item Description:A translation by Anthony Woodville, Earl Rivers (named on [K]4v) of the French version by Jean Miélot of "Cordiale quattuor novissimorum", which is sometimes attributed to Denis le Chartreux and to Gerardus de Vliederhoven.
Edited by William Caxton.
Title from [A]4v. Opening words of text, [A]2r, "aL ingratitude vtterly settyng apart, we owe to calle to our myndes the manyfolde gyftes of grace ..". [A]3r begins "tHis present tretys is deuided in four principal parties .."; [A]4r begins "mEmorare nouissima et in eternum non peccabis. Ecclesiastici. septimo capitulo."; text proper begins on [A]5r: "tHe first parte of the four last thinges .."
Publication date from [K]5v; Caxton is named on [K]4v.
The first leaf and the last leaf are blank.
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Citation/References Note:STC (2nd ed.)
Needham, P., Printer & the pardoner,
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