Mentis humanæ metamorphosis, sive conversio, The history of the young converted gallant, or, Directions to the readers of that divine poem written by Benjamin Keach, intituled Warre with the devil [electronic resource] : here shewing the readers thereof how to read the same poem aright in these four respects, viz. I. in reference to the substance or history thereof, II. in reference to the intent or mystery thereof, III. in reference to the consequent doctrine thereof, IV. in reference to practical application thereof / compiled in a poem by J. Mason, Gent.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Main Author: Mason, John, active 1676-1683
Corporate Author: Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership
Other title:Mentis humanae metamorphosis
History of the young converted gallant.
Directions to the readers of that divine poem.
Warre with the devil, the second part.
Format: Electronic
Published: [Ann Arbor, Mich.] : Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership, [2005]


Full Text (via Early English Books Online)


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