Mortality statistics of the seventh census of the United States, 1850: Embracing -- I. -- the cause of death, II. -- the age and sex, III. -- the color and condition, IV. -- the nativity, V. -- the season of decease, VI. -- the duration of illness, VII. -- the occupation, of the persons reported to have died in the twelve months preceding the first of June of that year, with sundry comparative and illustrative tables. [electronic resource]

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Online Access
Corporate Authors: United States. Congress. House, United States. Census Office, United States. Department of the Interior
Format: Government Document Electronic eBook
Published: Washington, DC, 1855.
Series:United States congressional serial set ; serial set no. 805.
Ex. doc. (United States. Congress. House) ; 33rd Congress, 2nd session, no. 98.


Online Access


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Call Number: Serial set 805
Serial set 805 Available