The visions of Sir Heister Ryley: with other entertainments [electronic resource] : Consisting of two hundred discourses and letters representing, by way of image and description, the characters of vertue, beauty, affectation, love and passion; the agreeableness of wit, truth and honour, made conspicuous by morals. As also scenes of the birth of nature, the sudden turns of fortune, the madness of domestick contests, the humours of the town, and the false arts of life, both of human and irrational beings, trac'd thro' all their intricate mazes.
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Online AccessThe visions of Sir Heister Ryley: with other entertainments. Consisting of two hundred discourses and letters representing, by way of image and description, the characters of vertue, beauty, .... made conspicuous by morals. ... -- Eighteenth Century Collections Online
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Jan. 01, 1711 - Dec. 31, 1711 |
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