For the draft, field, or turf. The gentleman's stable directory: or Modern system of farriery [electronic resource] : Comprehending the present entire improved mode of practice: volume the second. Containing experimental remarks upon breeding, breaking, shoeing, stabling, exercise, and rowelling. To which are added, particular instructions for the general management of hunters and road horses; with concluding observations upon the present state of the Turf. By William Taplin, surgeon.
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Online Access |
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Other title: | Gentleman's stable directory. Vol. 2. |
Format: | Electronic eBook |
Language: | English |
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[Dublin] :
London printed; and Dublin reprinted; by W. Wilson, No. 6, Dame-street; sold also by T. White, Cork; Watson & Co. Limerick; and J. and W. Magee, Belfast,
M.DCC.XCI. [1791]
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