The gentleman's stable directory; or, Modern system of farriery [electronic resource] : Comprehending all the most valuable prescriptions and approved remedies, accurately proportioned and properly adapted to every known disease to which the horse is incident; interspersed with occasional references to the dangerous and almost obsolete practice of Gibson, Bracken, Bartlet, Osmer, and others; also particular directions for buying, selling, feeding, bleeding, purging, and getting into condition for the chase; with experimental remarks upon the management of draft horses, their blemishes and defects. To which is now added, a supplement, containing practical observations upon thorn wounds, punctured tendons, and ligamentary lameness; with ample instructions for their treatment and cure; illustrated by a recital of cases, including a variety of useful remarks; with a successful method of treating the canine species, in that destructive disease called the distemper. By William Taplin, surgeon.
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Online Access: |
Online Access |
Main Author: | |
Other title: | Gentleman's stable directory. Vol. 1. |
Format: | Electronic eBook |
Language: | English |
Published: |
Dublin :
Printed by P. Wogan, No. 23, Old-Bridge,
Edition: | The fourteenth edition. |
Subjects: |