The coaster's companion [electronic resource] : Containing directions for the downs, for sailing and turning, thence, thro' the different channels, to the Nore; for going into Harwich, and over the naze into the wallet; for going round Orfordness, and thro' Yarmouth-roads to the spurn.-a description of the coast, from calais along the coasts of Flanders, Holland, and Jutland of the Cattegat, sound and baltic, as far as cronstadt; with directions for going into the several roads and harbours. Also, the courses by compass, and distances, from place to place, round England, Scotland, Ireland, the Shetland, Orkney, and Lewis Isles. Along the coasts of Flanders, Holland, Ireland, Norway, Cattegat, Baltic, France, Portugal, and Spain. With the courses and distances from different places in Britain, to different places in Flanders, Holland, Juttland, Norway, France, and Ireland. To which is added, a large tide-table, with a new and correct method of finding the times of high-water at all the ports and principal places in Europe. By John Hamilton Moore, author of the practical navigator, and seaman's complete daily assistant.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Online Access
Main Author: Moore, John Hamilton, -1807
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: London : Printed, and sold by Messrs. Robinson, in Paternoster-Row, and John Hamilton Moore, No. 104, Minories, Tower-Hill, MDCCLXXXVIII. [1788]


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