Tack about; or, A new model of a marine establishment, for raising seamen for the continual service of Her Majesty's fleet [electronic resource] : Being a plain, easy, and practicable method to raise seamen upon any juncture sufficient speedily to man a very considerable fleet, and defend our trade: without the excessive charges of impress-money, impress-lieutenants, patches, or bounty-money. Most humbly recommended to Her Most Sacred Majesty, and the present Parliament of England. To which is added upon the same ground of establishment, a probable method to supply continual convoys to support our New-Castle trade, without the charges of wages to maintain, or raise such convoy-seamen to the Government. And keep coals at a moderate price.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Online Access
Main Author: C. W.
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: London : Printed and sold by John Nutt, near Stationers-Hall, 1703.


Online Access


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