Abstract:Spin-flip probabilities S/sub nn/ have been measured for inelastic proton scattering at incident proton energies around 300 MeV from a number of nuclei. At low excitation energies S/sub nn/ is below the free value. For excitation energies above about 30 MeV for momentum transfers between about 0.35 fm/sup /minus/1/ and 0.65 fm/sup / minus/1/ S/sub nn/ exceeds free values significantly. These results suggest that the relative = 1( = 0 + = 1) nuclear spin response approaches about 90% in the region of the enhancement. Comparison of the data with slab response calculations are presented. Decomposition of the measured cross sections into sigma( = 0) and sigma( = 1) permit extraction of nonspin-flip and spin-flip dipole and quadrupole strengths. 29 refs., 11 figs.
Item Description:Published through SciTech Connect.
" conf-880386-3"
International conference on spin-observables in nuclear physics, Telluride, CO, USA, 14 Mar 1988.
Jones, K.W.
Physical Description:Pages: 15 : digital, PDF file.