What's fair on the air? : cold war right-wing broadcasting and the public interest / Heather Hendershot.

The rise of right-wing broadcasting during the Cold War has been mostly forgotten today. But in the 1950s and '60s you could turn on your radio any time of the day and listen to diatribes against communism, civil rights, the United Nations, fluoridation, federal income tax, Social Security, or...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Hendershot, Heather
Format: Book
Published: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2011.
Table of Contents:
  • Right-wing media vs. cold war America: "lace, luncheons, and frying pans" collapse into a "nightmare of raw violence and brutality"
  • "A strong reek of the not-quite-crackpot": H. L. Hunt, right-wing radio's "constructive" conservative
  • Right-wing broadcasting's supreme individualist: Dan Smoot and the tactics of constitutional conservatism
  • God's angriest man: Carl McIntire, neoevangelicalism, and the long-lingering fundamentalist fires
  • A story of "epic proportions": the battle between the FCC and WXUR
  • Everything old is new again: Billy James Hargis, extremist tactics, and the politics of image
  • Conclusion: from Birchers to birthers?