Abstract:Asymmetries in the quark momentum distributions in the proton reveal fundamental aspects of strong interaction physics. Differences between {anti u} and {anti d} quarks in the proton sea provide insight into the dynamics of the pion cloud around the nucleon and the nature of chiral symmetry breaking. Polarized flavor asymmetries allow the effects of pion clouds to be disentangled from those of antisymmetrization. Asymmetries between s and {anti s} quark distributions in the nucleon are also predicted from the chiral properties of QCD.
Item Description:Published through the Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information.
" doe/er/40150-1703"
" hep-ph/0006282"
" adp-00-32/t415"
3rd International Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics, Adelaide (AU), No date supplied.
W. Melnitchouk.
Physical Description:534 Kilobytes pages : digital, PDF file.