Encyclopedia of behavioral medicine [electronic resource] / Marc D. Gellman, editor ; J. Rick Turner, co-editor.
From Neil Schneiderman's Foreword:Because behavioral medicine has been constructed based on the understanding of relationships among behavior, psychosocial processes, and sociocultural contexts, the field is well positioned to take a leadership role in informing future health care policies. The...
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Series: | Springer reference.
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Table of Contents:
- Abrams, David B. (1951- )
- Absolute Risk
- Abstinence
- Abstinence Violation Effect
- Abuse, Elder
- Acculturation
- Acetylcholine
- Actigraphy (Wrist, for Measuring Rest/Activity Patterns and Sleep)
- Active Coping
- Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
- Activity Level
- Acupuncture
- Acute Disease
- Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Addictive Behaviors
- Ader, Robert
- Adherence
- Adhesion Molecules
- Adipose Tissue
- Adjuvant Chemotherapy
- Admixture
- Adrenal Glands
- Adrenergic Activation
- Adrenocorticotropin
- Adverse Drug Reaction
- Aerobic Exercise
- Affect
- Affect Arousal
- Aggregate Data
- Aging
- Agonist
- AIDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
- Alcohol Abuse and Dependence
- Alcohol Consumption
- Allele
- Allele Heterogeneity
- Allergy: Behavioral Treatment, Risk Factors, Psychosocial Aspects
- Allostasis, Allostatic Load
- Alpha-Amylase
- Alternative Medicine
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Ambulatory Blood Pressure
- Ambulatory Monitoring
- American Cancer Society
- American Diabetes Association
- American Heart Association
- American Psychological Association Division 38 (Health Psychology)
- American Psychosomatic Society.
- Analgesia
- Anderson, Norman B. (1955- )
- Androgen
- Anger Management
- Anger, Measurement
- Angina Pectoris
- Angiography/Angioplasty
- Angiotensin
- Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACE Inhibitors)
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Antibodies
- Antidepressant Medications
- Antigens
- Antihypertensive Medications
- Anti-inflammatory Medications
- Antioxidant
- Anxiety
- Anxiety and Heart Disease
- Anxiety and Its Measurement
- Anxiety Disorder
- Anxiolytic
- Apolipoproteins: APOA-I, APOA-IV, APOE
- Appetite and Appetite Regulation
- Applied Behavior Analysis
- Area Under the Curve (AUC)
- Arrhythmia
- Arteries
- Arthritis
- Arthritis: Psychosocial Aspects
- Aspirin
- Assertiveness Training
- Assessment
- Assisted Living
- Asthma
- Asthma and Stress
- Asthma Education and Prevention Program
- Asthma: Behavioral Treatment
- Atherosclerosis
- Atrial Fibrillation
- Atrophy
- Attachment Theory
- Attitudes
- Attribution Theory
- Autonomic Activation
- Autonomic Balance
- Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
- Avoidance.
- Back Pain
- Bariatric Surgery
- Baroreceptors
- Basal Metabolic Rate
- Baseline
- Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)
- Behavior Change
- Behavior Change Techniques
- Behavior Modification
- Behavioral Immunology
- Behavioral Inhibition
- Behavioral Medicine
- Behavioral Sciences at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Behavioral Sleep Medicine
- Behavioral Therapy
- Beliefs
- Benefit Evaluation in Health Economic Studies
- Benefit Finding
- Benefit-Risk Estimation
- Benefits of Exercise
- Benson, Herbert
- Bereavement
- Beta Cells
- Bias
- Binge Drinking
- Binge Eating
- Biobehavioral Mechanisms
- Biofeedback
- Biomarkers
- Biopsychosocial Model
- Birth Weight
- Blood Donation
- Blood Glucose
- Blood Pressure
- Blood Pressure Reactivity or Responses
- Blood Pressure, Elevated
- Blood Pressure, Measurement of
- Body Composition
- Body Fat
- Body Image
- Body Mass Index
- Bogalusa Heart Study
- Brain Damage
- Brain Tumor
- Brain Wave
- Brain, Cortex
- Brain, Imaging
- Brain, Injury
- Brain, Tissue
- BRCA1 and BRCA2
- Breast Cancer
- Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness/Spirituality (BMMRS)
- Brief Symptom Inventory
- Bronchitis
- Brownell, Kelly D. (1951- )
- Built Environment
- Bulimia
- Bupropion (Wellbutrin, Zyban)
- Bypass Surgery.
- C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
- Cachexia (Wasting Syndrome)
- Caloric Intake
- Cancer and Diet
- Cancer and Physical Activity
- Cancer and Smoking
- Cancer Prevention
- Cancer Risk Perceptions
- Cancer Screening/Detection/Surveillance
- Cancer Survivorship
- Cancer Treatment and Management
- Cancer, Bladder
- Cancer, Cervical
- Cancer, Colorectal
- Cancer, Lymphatic
- Cancer, Ovarian
- Cancer, Prostate
- Cancer, Testicular
- Cancer, Types of
- Cancer: Psychosocial Treatment
- Canonical Correlation
- Capsaicin
- Carbohydrates
- Carcinogens
- Carcinoma
- Cardiac Death
- Cardiac Events
- Cardiac Output
- Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Cardiac Surgery
- Cardiologist
- Cardiology
- Cardiovascular Disease Prevention
- Cardiovascular Recovery
- Cardiovascular Risk Factors
- Care Recipients
- Caregiver/Caregiving and Stress
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Case Reports
- Case-Control Studies
- Case-Crossover Studies
- CAT Scan.
- Catastrophizing/Catastrophic Thinking
- Catecholamines
- Causal Diagrams
- Cellular Theory of Aging
- Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)
- Center for Scientific Review
- Central Adiposity
- Central Nervous System
- Central Tendency
- Cessation Intervention (Smoking or Tobacco)
- Character Traits
- Chemotherapy
- Chesney, Margaret
- Chest Pain
- Child Abuse
- Child Development
- Child Neglect
- Cholesterol
- Chromosomes
- Chronic Depression
- Chronic Disease Management
- Chronic Disease or Illness
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Chronic Pain Patients
- Chronic Pain, Types of (Cancer, Musculoskeletal, Pelvic), Management of
- Chronobiology
- Church-Based Interventions
- Circadian Rhythm
- Classical Conditioning
- Clinical Agreement
- Clinical Decision-Making
- Clinical Practice Guidelines
- Clinical Predictors
- Clinical Settings
- Clinical Trial
- Clusters
- Coagulation of Blood
- Coffee Drinking, Effects of Caffeine
- Cognitions
- Cognitive Appraisal
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Cognitive Factors
- Cognitive Function
- Cognitive Impairment
- Cognitive Mediators
- Cognitive Restructuring
- Cognitive Strategies
- Cohort Study
- Cold Pressor Test
- Common Cold
- Common Cold: Cause.
- Common Cold: The Stress Factor
- Common Disease-Common Variant
- Common-Sense Model of Self-regulation
- Communication Skills
- Communication, Nonverbal
- Community Coalitions
- Community Sample
- Community-Based Participatory Research
- Comorbidity
- Comparative Effectiveness Research
- Complex Traits
- Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT) Scan
- Concordance
- Condom Use
- Confidentiality
- Confounding Influence
- Congestive Heart Failure
- CONSORT Guidelines
- Construct Validity
- Continuity of Care
- Contraception
- Control Group
- Cook-Medley Hostility Scale
- Copy Number Variant (CNV)
- Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG)
- Coronary Event
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Coronary Vasoconstriction
- Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (CRH)
- Cortisol
- Cost-Effectiveness
- Cost-Minimization Analysis
- Couple-Focused Therapy
- Co-workers
- Crohn's Disease (CD)
- Crossover Design
- Cross-Sectional Study
- Cultural and Ethnic Differences
- Cultural Competence
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Cytokines.
- Daily Stress
- Data
- Database Development and Management
- Death Anxiety
- Death, Sudden
- Defensiveness
- Degenerative Diseases: Disc or Spine
- Degenerative Diseases: Joint
- Degrees of Freedom
- Dekker, Joost
- Dementia
- Demographics
- Denial
- Dependence, Drug
- Depression: Symptoms
- Depression: Treatment
- Developmental Disabilities
- Dexamethasone Suppression Test
- Diabesity in Children
- Diabetes
- Diabetes Education
- Diabetes Foot Care
- Diabetes Prevention Program
- Diabetes: Psychosocial Factors
- Diabetic Neuropathy
- Diabetologist (Diabetes Specialist)
- Diagnostic Interview Schedule
- Diaries
- Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP)
- Diathesis-Stress Model
- Dimsdale, Joel E.
- Disability
- Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs)
- Disclosure
- Discrimination and Health
- Disease Burden
- Disease Management
- Disease Onset
- Disease Severity
- Dispersion
- Dispositional Optimism
- Dissemination
- Distant Intercessory Prayer
- Distraction (Coping Strategy)
- Diuretic
- Diurnal Mood Variation
- Diversity
- Divorce and Health
- Dizygotic Twins
- DNR Order
- Doctor-Patient Communication: Why and How Communication Contributes to the Quality of Medical Care
- Dominant Inheritance
- Dopamine
- Dose: Intensity, Response
- Double-Blind Study
- Drug, Adverse Effects/Complications
- Dunbar-Jacob, Jacqueline
- Dyslipidemia
- Dyspnea
- Dysthymia.
- Eating Behavior
- Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa
- Ecological Fallacy
- Ecological Models: Application to Physical Activity
- Ecological Momentary Assessment
- Ecosystems, Stable and Sustainable
- Education, Lack Of: As a Risk Factor
- Education, Patient
- Effect Modification
- Efficacy
- Efficacy Cognitions
- eHealth and Behavioral Intervention Technologies
- Elderly
- Electrocardiogram (EKG)
- Electrodermal Activity (EDA)
- Electronic Health Record
- Emotional Control
- Emotional Expression
- Emotional Responses
- Emotions: Positive and Negative
- Empathy
- Emphysema
- Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
- Empowerment
- Endocrinology
- End-of-Life Care
- Endogenous Opioids/Endorphins/Enkephalin
- Endometriosis
- Endothelial Function
- End-Stage Renal Disease
- Energy: Expenditure, Intake, Lack of
- Engel, George
- Epidemiology
- Epigenetics
- Epinephrine
- Epstein-Barr Virus
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Escape-Avoidance Coping
- Essential Fatty Acids
- Estrogen
- Ethical Issues
- Ethics
- Ethics Committee
- Ethnicity
- Etiology/Pathogenesis
- Euthanasia
- Evidence-Based Behavioral Medicine (EBBM)
- Executive Function
- Exercise
- Exercise Testing
- Experience Sampling
- Experimental Designs
- Experimental Group
- Explanatory Models of Illness
- Explanatory Style
- Expressive Writing and Health
- Ex-Smokers
- Extrinsic Religiousness (Religiosity)
- Eye Tracking.
- Fall Risk Behavior
- False-Negative Error
- False-Positive Error
- Family Aggregation
- Family and Medical Leave Act
- Family Assistance
- Family Planning
- Family Practice/Medicine
- Family Social Support
- Family Stress
- Family Studies (Genetics)
- Family Systems Theory
- Family Violence
- Family, Caregiver
- Family, Income
- Family, Relationships
- Family, Structure
- Fasting Glucose
- Fasting Insulin
- Fat Absorption
- Fat, Dietary Intake
- Fat: Saturated, Unsaturated
- Fatalism
- Fatigue
- Fatty Acids, Free
- Fear and Fear Avoidance
- Feasibility Study
- Fibrinogen
- Fibrinolysis
- Fibromyalgia
- Five-Factor Model of Personality
- Focus Groups
- Follow-up Study
- Food Safety
- Forgiveness
- Framingham Heart Study
- Framingham Offspring Study
- Free-Radical Theory of Aging
- Functional Capacity, Disability, and Status
- Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)
- Functional Somatic Syndromes
- Functional Versus Vocational Assessment.
- Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)
- Gastric Ulcers and Stress
- Gastrin-Releasing Peptide (GRP)
- Gate Control Theory of Pain
- Gay Men's Health Crisis
- Gender Differences
- Gender Role
- Gene
- Gene Expression
- Gene-Environment Interaction
- Gene-Gene Interaction
- General Adaptation Syndrome
- General Population
- Generalizability
- Genetic Counseling
- Genetic Testing, Psychological Implications
- Genetics
- Genital Herpes
- Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS)
- Genomics
- Genotype
- Geographic Information System (GIS) Technology
- Geriatric Depression Scale
- Geriatric Medicine
- Gerontology
- Gestation
- Ghrelin
- Glucocorticoids
- Glucose
- Glucose Meters and Strips
- Glucose: Levels, Control, Intolerance, and Metabolism
- Glycemia: Control, Load-High
- Glycosylated Hemoglobin
- Goodness of Fit Hypothesis
- Graded Exercise
- Grief Counseling
- Grieving
- Group Therapy/Intervention
- Guided Imagery.
- Habit Strength
- Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale
- Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D)
- Handgrip Strength
- Happiness and Health
- Hardiness and Health
- Harm Reduction
- Hayman, Laura L.
- HbA1c
- Headaches, Types of: Cluster, Migraine, and Tension
- Headaches: Psychological Management
- Health Anxiety
- Health Assessment Questionnaire
- Health Beliefs/Health Belief Model
- Health Care
- Health Care Access
- Health Care System
- Health Care Utilization
- Health Communication
- Health Disparities
- Health Economics
- Health Education
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- Health Insurance: Comparisons
- Health Literacy
- Health Outcomes Research
- Health Policy/Health-Care Policy
- Health Psychology
- Health Risk (Behavior)
- Health-Related Quality of Life
- Healthy Cities
- Healthy Eating
- Hearing Impairment (Noise Pollution Related)
- Hearing Loss
- Heart
- Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study (HERS)
- Heart Disease
- Heart Disease and Cardiovascular Reactivity
- Heart Disease and Emotions: Anger, Anxiety, Depression
- Heart Disease and Smoking
- Heart Disease and Stress
- Heart Disease and Type A Behavior
- Heart Failure
- Heart Rate
- Heart Rate Variability
- Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
- Hemodynamic
- Hepatitis Types A, B, C
- Herbal Medicines
- Heritability
- Heterozygous
- Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM)
- Hierarchy of Evidence
- Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos
- Hispanic/Latino Health
- Histamine
- HIV Infection
- HIV Prevention
- Home Health Care
- Homeostasis
- Homocysteine
- Homozygous
- Hopelessness
- Hormone Treatment
- Hospice
- Hospital Anxiety
- Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale
- Hostility
- Hostility, Cynical
- Hostility, Measurement of
- Hostility, Psychophysiological Responses
- Human Factors/Ergonomics
- Human Genome Project
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Human Subjects Committee
- Hyperglycemia
- Hyperinsulinemia
- Hyperlipidemia
- Hypertension
- Hypertrophy
- Hypochondriasis
- Hypoglycemia
- Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
- Hypothalamus
- Hypothesis Testing.
- Iatrogenic Conditions
- Illness Behavior
- Illness Cognitions and Perceptions
- Illness Perceptions Questionnaire (IPQ-R)
- Immune Function
- Immune Responses to Stress
- Immunity
- Immunoglobulins
- Impaired Glucose Tolerance
- Implementation Intentions
- Impulsivity
- In Vitro Fertilization, Assisted Reproductive Technology
- Income Inequality and Health
- Individual Differences
- Infant Mortality
- Infectious Diseases
- Infertility and Assisted Reproduction: Psychosocial Aspects
- Inflammation
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Informed Consent
- Inheritance, Genetic
- Insertion/Deletion Polymorphism
- Insomnia
- Institute of Medicine
- Institutional Care
- Insulin
- Insulin Pumps
- Insulin Resistance (IR) Syndrome
- Insulin Sensitivity
- Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM)
- Integrative Medicine
- Intention
- Interleukins, -1 (IL-1), -6 (IL-6), -18 (IL-18)
- International Society of Behavioral Medicine
- Internet-Based Studies
- Interpersonal Circumplex
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Intervention Theories
- Interview
- Intima-Media Thickness (IMT)
- Intrinsic Religiousness (Religiosity)
- Intrusive Thoughts, Intrusiveness
- Inverse Relationship
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Psychological Treatment
- Ischemic Heart Disease
- Isometric/Isotonic Exercise.
- Job Classification
- Job Demand/Control/Strain
- Job Demands
- Job Diagnostic Survey
- Job Performance
- Job Related to Health
- Job Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction
- Kaposi's Sarcoma
- Kaufmann, Peter G.
- Kawakami, Norito
- Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study
- Latent Variable
- Learned Helplessness
- Leptin
- Life Events
- Life Span
- Life Years Lost
- Lifestyle
- Lifestyle Changes
- Lifestyle, Active
- Lifestyle, Healthy
- Lifestyle, Modification
- Lifestyle, Sedentary
- Lipid
- Lipid Abnormalities
- Lipid Metabolism
- Lipid, Plasma
- Lipoprotein
- Locus (Genetics)
- Locus of Control
- Loneliness
- Loneliness and Health
- Longevity
- Low Glycemic Index
- Lung Function
- Lupus: Psychosocial Impact.
- Macrophages
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Maintenance Phase of the Transtheoretical Model of Change
- Maladaptive/Maladjustment
- Marker (Genetics)
- Marriage and Health
- Massage Therapy
- Maternal Stress
- Matthews, Karen
- Maximal Exercise Heart Rate
- Maximal Exercise Stress Test
- McGill Pain Questionnaire
- Mean (Average)
- Meaning (Purpose)
- Measures of Quality of Life
- Median
- Mediators
- Medical Decision-Making
- Medical Outcomes Study
- Medical Psychology
- Medical Sociology
- Medical Utilization
- Medically Unexplained Symptoms
- Medication Event Monitoring Systems
- Meditation
- Menopause
- Mental Health Surveillance
- Mental Illness
- Mental Stress
- Meta-Analysis
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Metabolism
- Methylation
- Migraine Headache
- Miller, Neal
- Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic (MBMD)
- Mindfulness
- Mini-Finland Health Survey
- Mini-Mental State Examination
- Minority Health
- Minority Subgroups
- Missing Data
- Mode
- Moderators/Moderating Factors
- Monozygotic Twins
- Mood
- Mortality
- Mortality Rates
- Motivational Interviewing
- MPH (Masters of Public Health)
- Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scales
- Multiethnic Cohort Study
- Multilevel Intervention
- Multilevel Modeling
- Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial (MRFIT)
- Multiple Risk Factors
- Multiple Sclerosis: Psychosocial Factors
- Multivariate Analysis
- MyPlate.
- National Cancer Institute
- National Children's Study
- National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
- National Health Interview Survey
- National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
- National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
- National Institute of Mental Health
- National Institute of Nursing Research
- National Institute on Aging
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- National Institutes of Health
- Natural Killer Cell Activity
- Needle Exchange Programs
- Negative Affect
- Negative Affectivity
- Negative Thoughts
- Nested Study
- Neuroendocrine Activation
- Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging
- Neurogenomics
- Neuroimaging
- Neuroimmunology
- Neuroimmunomodulation
- Neurological
- Neuromuscular Diseases
- Neuron
- Neuropeptide Y (NPY)
- Neuropsychology
- Neurotensin
- Neurotic Anger, Subcategory of Anger
- Neuroticism
- Neurotransmitter
- Nicotine
- Nicotine Patch
- Night-Shift Workers and Health
- Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS)
- Nocebo and Nocebo Effect
- Nonexperimental Designs
- Non-REM Sleep
- Nonverbal Communication
- Norepinephrine/Noradrenaline
- Norms
- Nurses' Health Study
- Nutrition
- Nutrition Data System for Research (NDSR)
- Nutritional Supplements.
- Obesity
- Obesity in Children
- Obesity: Causes and Consequences
- Obesity: Prevention and Treatment
- Obrist, Paul A
- Occupational Health
- Occupational Science
- Occupational Status
- Occupational Therapy
- Odds Ratio
- Oldenburg, Brian
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- Oncology (Oncologist)
- Operant Conditioning
- Opponent Process
- Optimism and Pessimism: Measurement
- Optimism, Pessimism, and Health
- Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
- Organ Transplantation: Psychological and Behavioral Aspects
- Orleans, C. Tracy
- Ornish Program and Dean Ornish
- Orth-Gomér, Kristina
- Osteopenia/Osteoporosis
- Outcome for the Single Case: Random Control Index, Single Subject Experimental Design, and Goal Attainment Scale
- Overweight
- Oxidative Stress
- Oxytocin.
- Pain
- Pain Anxiety
- Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale (PASS) and Short Version PASS-20
- Pain Management/Control
- Pain Threshold
- Pain, Psychosocial Aspects
- Pain-Related Fear
- Palliative Care
- Panic Attack
- Panic Disorder
- Parallel Group Design
- Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS)
- Parkinson's Disease: Psychosocial Aspects
- Participatory Research
- Passive Coping Strategies
- Pathophysiology
- Patient Control
- Patient-Centered Care
- Patient-Reported Outcome
- Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL)
- Penetrance
- Perceived Benefits
- Perceived Control
- Perceived Risk
- Perceived Stress
- Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)
- Perceptions of Stress
- Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)/Vascular Disease
- Perseverative Cognition
- Personality
- Pessimism
- Pew Internet and American Life Project
- Pharmaceutical Industry: Research and Development
- Pharmacological Stress Tests
- Phenotype.
- Physical Activity and Health
- Physical Activity Interventions
- Physical Activity, Psychosocial Aspects, Benefits
- Physical Examination
- Physical Fitness
- Physical Inactivity
- Physical Therapy
- Physiological Reactivity
- Pickering, Thomas G.
- Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
- Placebo and Placebo Effect
- Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor (PAI-1)
- Polymorphism
- Polysomnography
- Population Health
- Population Stratification
- Positive Affect Negative Affect Scale (PANAS)
- Positive Affectivity
- Positive Psychology
- Postpartum Depression
- Posttraumatic Growth
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Prayer
- Pregnancy Outcomes: Psychosocial Aspect
- Prehypertension
- Prevalence
- Prevention: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary
- Preventive Care
- Preventive Medicine Research Institute (Ornish)
- Primary Care
- Primary Care Physicians
- Primary Care Providers
- Principle of Equipoise
- Probability
- Problem Solving.
- Problem-Focused Coping
- Promotoras
- Prostate
- Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)
- Protection of Human Subjects
- Proteomics
- Psychiatric Diagnosis
- Psychiatric Illness
- Psychoeducation
- Psychological Disorder
- Psychological Factors and Health
- Psychological Pathology
- Psychological Science
- Psychological Stress
- Psychologist
- Psychometric Properties
- Psychometrics
- Psychoneuroendocrinology
- Psychoneuroimmunology
- Psychophysiologic Reactivity
- Psychophysiologic Recovery
- Psychophysiological
- Psychophysiology: Theory and Methods
- Psychosocial Adjustment
- Psychosocial Characteristics
- Psychosocial Factors
- Psychosocial Factors and Traumatic Events
- Psychosocial Impact
- Psychosocial Predictors
- Psychosocial Variables
- Psychosocial Work Environment
- Psychosomatic
- Psychosomatic Disorder
- Psychosurgery
- Puberty
- Public Health
- Pulmonary Disorders, COPD: Psychosocial Aspects
- Pulmonary Function.
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Quality of Life
- Quality of Life: Measurement
- Quality-Adjusted Life Years (QALYs)
- Quantitative EEG Including the Five Common Bandwidths (Delta, Theta, Alpha, Sigma, and Beta)
- Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL)
- Racial Inequality in Economic and Social Well-Being
- Racism
- Radical Prostatectomy, Psychological Impact
- Randomization
- Randomized Clinical Trial
- Raynaud's Disease and Stress
- Raynaud's Disease: Behavioral Treatment
- Readiness for Return-to-Work (RRTW)
- RE-AIM Guidelines
- Recessive Inheritance
- Recruitment and Retention of Research Subjects
- Recurrence Risk Ratio
- Regression Analysis
- Rehabilitation
- Relapse, Relapse Prevention
- Relative Risk
- Relaxation: Techniques/Therapy
- Reliability and Validity
- Religion/Spirituality
- Religious Coping
- Religious Ritual
- Religious Social Support
- Religiousness/Religiosity
- REM Sleep
- Renin
- Reproductive Health
- Research Methodology
- Research Participation, Risks and Benefits of
- Research to Practice Translation
- Resilience
- Resilience: Measurement
- Resistance Training
- Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia
- Retrospective Study
- Rheumatoid Arthritis: Psychosocial Aspects
- Rief, Winfried
- Risk Factors and Their Management
- Risk Perception
- Risky Behavior
- RNA.
- Salivary Biomarkers
- Salt, Intake
- Salutogenesis
- Sample Size Estimation
- Sarcopenia
- Scale Development
- Schneiderman, Neil
- Screening
- Screening, Cognitive
- Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Secondhand Smoke
- Sedentary Behaviors
- Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
- Self-Blame
- Self-care
- Self-Concept
- Self-determination Theory
- Self-Efficacy
- Self-Esteem
- Self-examination
- Self-Identity
- Self-image
- Self-management
- Self-medication
- Self-Monitoring
- Self-Regulation Model
- Self-Regulatory Capacity
- Self-Regulatory Fatigue
- Self-report
- Seligman, Martin
- Selye, Hans
- Serostatus: Seronegative and Seropositive
- Serotonin
- Serotonin Transporter Gene
- Serum
- Sexual Behavior
- Sexual Functioning
- Sexual Hookup
- Sexual Orientation
- Sexual Risk Behavior
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
- SF-36
- Sickness Behavior
- Siegrist, Johannes
- Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP)
- Skin Cancer Prevention: Sun Protection, Sun Safety, Sunscreen Use
- Sleep
- Sleep and Health
- Sleep Apnea
- Sleep Architecture
- Sleep Continuity
- Sleep Deprivation
- Sleep Duration
- Sleep Fragmentation
- Sleep Quality
- Sleep Restriction
- Slow-Wave Sleep
- Smoking and Health
- Smoking Behavior
- Smoking Cessation
- Smoking Prevention Policies and Programs
- Social Capital and Health
- Social Class
- Social Cohesion
- Social Conflict
- Social Epidemiology
- Social Factors
- Social Inhibition
- Social Marketing
- Social Relationships
- Social Stress
- Social Support
- Society of Behavioral Medicine
- Sociocultural
- Sociocultural Differences
- Sodium, Sodium Sensitivity
- Somatic Symptoms
- Somatization
- Somatoform Disorders
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Spiritual Beliefs
- Spirituality
- Spirituality and Health
- Spirituality, Measurement of
- Stages-of-Change Model
- Standard Deviation
- Standard Normal (Z) Distribution.
- Statins
- Statistical Inference
- Statistics
- Stem Cells
- Steptoe, Andrew (1951- )
- Steroids
- Stigma
- Stress
- Stress Management
- Stress Reactivity
- Stress Responses
- Stress Test
- Stress Vulnerability Models
- Stress, Caregiver
- Stress, Early Life
- Stress, Emotional
- Stress, Exercise
- Stress, Posttraumatic
- Stress: Appraisal and Coping
- Stroke Burden
- Stroop Color-Word Test
- Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
- Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID)
- Study Protocol
- Substance Abuse: Treatment
- Successful Aging
- Suicidal Ideation, Thoughts
- Suicide
- Suicide Risk, Suicide Risk Factors
- Sun Exposure
- Surrogate Decision Making
- Surveys
- Surwit, Richard S.
- Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS)
- Sympatho-Adrenergic Stimulation
- Symptom Magnification Syndrome
- Symptoms
- Symptoms Scale
- Systematic Desensitization
- Systematic Review
- Systems Theory
- Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP)
- Tachycardia
- Tailored Communications
- Telomere and Telomerase
- Temporal Self-Regulation Theory
- Theory
- Theory of Reasoned Action
- Therapy, Family and Marital
- Therapy, Occupational
- Tinnitus
- Tinnitus and Cognitive Behavior Therapy
- Tobacco Advertising
- Tobacco Control
- Trail-Making Test
- Trait Anger
- Trait Anxiety
- Trans Fatty Acids
- Transcendental Meditation
- Transducer
- Translational Behavioral Medicine
- Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Trier Social Stress Test
- Triglyceride
- Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha (TNF-Alpha)
- Twin Studies
- Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
- Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Type A Behavior
- Type D Personality.
- Unintentional Nonadherence
- Unipolar Depression
- Univariate Analysis
- Usual Care
- Uutela, Antti
- Validity
- Variance
- Vascular Abnormalities, Function
- Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)
- Vasoconstriction
- Vasodilation, Vasodilatory Functions
- Vasopressin
- Vital Exhaustion
- Vitality
- Waist Circumference (WC)
- Waist Girth
- Waist Size
- Waist to Hip Ratio
- Ways of Coping Checklist (WCCL)
- Weight: Control, Gain/Loss/Reduction, Maintenance, Monitoring
- Weighted Sample
- Weiss, Stephen M.
- Well-Being: Physical, Psychological, Social
- Whitehall Study
- Williams LifeSkills Program
- Williams Redford B. Jr.
- Women's Health
- Women's Health Initiative (WHI)
- Work, Lipids, and Fibrinogen (WOLF) Study
- Working Memory
- Workload
- Worksite Health Promotion
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Worry
- Wound Healing
- Yoga
- Zung Depression Inventory.