Goldberg variations and other Bach transcriptions for solo piano / [edited and arranged by] Ferruccio Busoni ; selected and with an introduction by Sara Davis Buechner.

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750
Other Authors: Busoni, Ferruccio, 1866-1924 (Editor, arranger of music.), Buechner, Sara Davis, 1959- (Author of introduction, etc.)
Other title:Keyboard music. Selections
Aria and thirty variations.
Goldberg variations.
Chromatic fantasy and fugue.
Fantasia contrappuntistica based on Die Kunst der Fuge.
Concerto for piano and orchestra in D minor.
Format: Musical Score Book
Language:No linguistic content
Published: Mineola, N.Y. : Dover, 2013.

Music Library - Stacks

Holdings details from Music Library - Stacks
Call Number: M22.B11 K49 2013
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