Multiple precision integer operation package. [EPADD, EPSUB, EPMULT, EPDIVR, ENTQRM, EBDTOB, EPBTOD, EPMDEX, EPCOPY, EPINIT, EPCHK, in FORTRAN for CDC 6600-7600] [electronic resource]

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Online Access
Corporate Author: Sandia National Laboratories (Researcher)
Format: Government Document Electronic eBook
Published: Albuquerque, N.M. : Oak Ridge, Tenn. : Sandia National Laboratories. ; distributed by the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, U.S. Dept. of Energy, 1980.
Abstract:A package of FORTRAN codes has been developed for certain multiple precision integer operations. These operations include basic arithmetic, modular exponentiation, and conversion of numbers to and from decimal representation. Reliability of the results is maintained by cross-checking both the lengths of internal working storage arrays against the requirements of the operations, and the size and sign of the internal representation of the digits. 10 figures.
Item Description:Published through SciTech Connect.
Hanson, R. J.
Physical Description:Pages: 33 : digital, PDF file.