Cero. 9 : Cristina Diaz Moreno, Efren Garcia Grinda : el futuro ya no es Barbarella = the future is not Barbarella ; ábalos & herreros : Iñaki Abalos, Juan Herreros : ligero, muy ligero = light, really light ; no.mad : Eduardo Arroyo : principios de incertidumbre = principles of uncertainty / [editores y directores, Fernando Márquez Cecilia y Richard Levene]

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Bibliographic Details
Other Authors: Márquez Cecilia, Fernando, Levene, Richard C.
Other title:No.mad, cero. 9, ábalos & herreros, 2001-2004.
Cero. 9, Christina Diaz Moreno, Efren Garcia Grinda.
Cero9, Cristina Díaz Moreno, Efrén García Grinda.
No.mad, Eduardo Arroyo.
Ábalos & herreros, Iñaki Ábalos, Juan Herreros.
Ábalos and herreros, Iñaki Ábalos, Juan Herreros.
Future is not Barbarella.
Light, really light.
Principles of uncertainty.
Format: Book
Published: [Madrid] : [El Croquis Editorial], [2003]
Series:Croquis ; 118.

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Call Number: NA5 .C7 no.117-118 2003
NA5 .C7 no.117-118 2003 Available Place a Hold


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