The New lady's magazine; or, Polite and entertaining companion for the fair sex [electronic resource] : entirely devoted to their use and amusement. Containing.

A general miscellany, devoted to a wide range of subjects presumed to be of interest to women, including the domestic arts, selections from romantic novels, essays on conduct, popular songs with music, poetry selections, a monthly register of marriages and deaths. Includes numbered essays: The Femal...

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Gale)
New Title:New Lady's magazine; or, polite, useful, and entertaining monthly companion for the fair sex.
Other title:New lady's magazine.
Portion of title: Polite and entertaining companion for the fair sex.
Fluctuating title: New lady's magazine; or, polite, useful, entertaining, and fashionable companion for the fair sex.
New Lady's magazine, or, Polite, entertaining, and fashionable companion for the fair sex : a work entirely devoted to their use and amusement.
Female rambler. No. 1-5.
New Olla-podrida. No. 1-4.
Prater. No. 1-<17>
Format: Electronic Journal
Published: London [England : Printed, by Royal Authority, for Alex Hogg, at the original King's-Arms, no. 16, Paternoster-Row (by whom the communications of ingenious persons-post paid-will be received, and immediately transmitted to the editor), 1786]-
Series:Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks.


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