Encyclopedia of the history of psychological theories [electronic resource] / [edited by] Robert W. Rieber.
This surveys the entire range of thinking in psychology from ancient times to the present, encompassing philosophies and theories of mind that pre-date our modern conception of psychology as a science, and extending to the current findings of neuroscience.
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Table of Contents:
- Abney, William
- Ach, N.
- Activation Network Theories, History of
- Adams, D.K.
- Adler, Alfred
- Adorno, T.W.
- Ainsworth, Mary D.
- Allport, G.W.
- America, History of Popular Psychology in
- American Mental Philosophy (1820-1860), History of
- Analytic Psychology of CarlJung
- Anastasi, Anne
- Angell, James Rowland
- Ansbacher, Heinz
- Anthropology and Psychology, Case of W.H.R. Rivers
- Apfelbaum, Erika
- Archives of the History of American Psychology
- Asch, Solomon E.
- Baldwin, J.M.
- Bandura, Albert
- Bartlett, F.C.
- Behaviorism
- Bekhterev, V.M.
- Benjamin, Ludy T. Jr.
- Bentley, Madison
- Berlyne, Daniel E.
- Bettelheim, Bruno
- Binswanger, Ludwig
- Bleuler, Eugen
- Boas, Franz
- Bolton, T.L.
- Boring, E.G.
- Bowlby, John
- Bréal, Michael
- Brentano, F.C.
- Breuer, Josef
- Brewer, Charles L.
- Broadbent, Donald
- Broca, Pierre Paul
- Brown, Thomas
- Brown, Warner
- Bugental, James F.T.
- Bühler, Karl
- Carmichael, Leonard
- Catholics in Psychology
- Cattell, Raymond B.
- Cerebral Dominance
- Chapanis, Alphonse
- Chiarugi, Vincenzo
- Chomsky, Noam
- City University of New York, Doctoral Programs in Psychology at
- Clark University, History of Psychology at
- Clark, Kenneth B.
- Cole, Michael
- Columbia University, History of Psychology at
- Comparative Psychology
- Consciousness and Embodiment
- Corsini, Raymond J.
- Cosmopolitanism in Psychology, Theories of
- Cox, C.M.
- Craik, Fergus
- Critical Psychology
- Cronbach, Lee J.
- Cultural Psychology (General)
- Cultural Psychology and the Cinema
- Dallenbach, Karl M.
- Danziger, Kurt
- Darley, Frederic L.
- Dearborn, Walter F.
- Delabarre, E.B.
- Delboeuf, Joseph-Rémi-Leopold
- Denmark, Florence L.
- Dessoir, Max
- Deutsch, Helene
- Deutsch, Morton
- Dewey, John
- Dodge, Raymond
- Donders, F.C.
- Downey, J.E.
- Dreikurs, Rudolph.
- Dunlap, Knight
- Dynamic Theories of Personality, Classical, Post-Modern, and Person-Centered
- Ebbinghaus, Herman
- Edgeworth, F.Y.
- Ekman, Paul
- Elliott, Richard M.
- Ellis, Albert
- Erdmann, Benno
- Erikson, Erik
- Evolutionary Psychology
- Eysenck, H.J.
- Fite, Warner
- Flourens, Pierre
- Flournoy, Théodore
- Fordham University, History of Psychology at
- Forel, Auguste-Henri
- Forensic Psychology
- Foucault, Michel
- Fowler, Orson
- Fraisse, Paul
- Franz, Shepherd Ivory
- Freud, Anna
- Froeschels, Emil
- Gall, Franz Josef
- Galton, F.
- Gardner, Howard
- Geissler, L.R.
- Gelb, Adhemar
- George Mason University's Arch Lab
- Gergen, Kenneth
- Gesell, Arnold L.
- Gestalt Psychology
- Gibson, Eleanor J.
- Gibson, James J.
- Gilbreth, Lillian
- Goldstein, Kurt
- Great Plains Student Psychology Convention
- Guthrie, Edwin
- Hall, G. Stanley
- Hamilton, G.V.
- Harlow, Harry
- Hebb, Donald O.
- Helson, Harry
- Herbart, Johann Friedrich
- Herbert Spencer and Introduction of Evolution into Psychology
- Herschel, J.F.W.
- Hilgard, Ernest R.
- Höffding, H.
- Holt, E.B.
- Holzkamp, Klaus
- Hooker, Evelyn
- Hopkins, Charles Owen
- Hull, Clark L.
- Human Factors Psychology
- Humphrey, George
- Hunter, Walter S.
- Husserl, E.G.
- Hypnosis
- Indiana University, History of Psychology at
- Industrial-Organizational Psychology
- Irwin, Orvis
- Jahoda, Gustav
- Janet, Pierre
- Japan, History of Psychology in
- Jastrow, Joseph
- Jevons, W.S.
- Jones, Ernest
- Judd, C. Hubbard
- Kagan, Jerome
- Kantor, J.R.
- Keynes, John Maynard
- Kinsbourne, Marcel
- Klein, Melanie
- Klemm, Otto
- Klineberg, Otto
- Klüver, H.
- Koffka, Kurt
- Kohlberg, Lawrence
- Köhler, W.
- Krippner, Stanley
- La Mettrie, J.O. de
- Langfeld, Herbert Sidney
- Lashley, Carl
- Latin America and the Caribbean, History of Psychology in.
- Lazarus, Richard S.
- Levitt, Harry
- Lewin, Kurt
- Lipps, Theodor
- Localization of Function, Outline of
- Loftus, Elizabeth
- Luria, A.R.
- Mach, Ernst
- Malthus, T.R.
- Maslow, A.H.
- McClelland, David C.
- McCormick, Earnest
- McCosh, James
- Mead, G.H.
- Meehl, Paul E.
- Mesmer, Franz Anton
- Meyer, Max F.
- Microgenetic Theory: Brain and Mind in Time
- Miles, Walter R.
- Military Psychology
- Miller, George A.
- Miller, Neal E.
- Mills, T. Wesley
- Mischel, Walter
- Montessori, Maria
- Morgan, C. Lloyd
- Morgan, T.H.
- Mowrer, O.H.
- Münsterberg, Hugo
- Murphy, Gardner
- Murray, Henry A.
- Myers, Charles S.
- Neisser, Ulric
- New School for Social Research, History of Psychology at
- Noble, Daniel
- Nutting, Perley G.
- O'Connell, Daniel C.
- Ogden, R.M.
- Osgood, Charles
- Pace University, History of Psychology at
- Pace, Edward
- Pagès, Robert
- Paranjpe, Anand
- Parapsychology.
- Parrish, C.S.
- Paterson, Donald G.
- Peace Psychology, History of
- Pêcheux, Michel
- Perception
- Pestalozzi, J.H.
- Phenomenological Psychology in The Netherlands
- Piaget, Jean
- Pillsbury, Walter B.
- Pintner, Rudolf
- Poffenberger, A.T.
- Pogson, N.R.
- Politzer, Georges
- Post-Soviet Psychology
- Psychoanalysis
- Psycholinguistics in Historical Perspective, From Monologue to Dialogue
- Psychological Theory of John Bulwer
- Psychology and Antisemitism
- Psychology and Religion
- Psychology in Modern India
- Psychology in Pre-Modern India
- Psychology of Alexander Bain
- Psychology of James Rush
- Psychology of Religion, History of
- Rank, Otto
- Ratner, Carl
- Reich, Wilhelm
- Religion and Early Norwegian Psychology
- Rettig, Salamon
- Rieber, Robert W.
- Roback, A.A.
- Robinson, E.S.
- Rodriguez Arias, Enerio
- Rogers, Carl R.
- Romanes, G.J.
- Roscoe, Stan
- Rosenthal, Robert
- Rotter, Julian B.
- Rousseau, Jean Jacques
- Royce, Josiah
- Rutgers University, History of Psychology at
- Salzinger, Kurt
- Sarason, Seymour
- Schachter, Stanley
- Schlick, Moritz
- Science, Philosophy, and Religion in Psychology, The Legacy of William James
- Seashore, Carl E.
- Seligman, Martin E.P.
- Sève, Lucien
- Shakow, David
- Shinn, Milicent
- Siegel, Gerald M.
- Simon, Herbert A.
- Singer, Edgar
- Skinner, B.F.
- Smith, Adam
- Social Constructionism
- Social Psychology
- Spearman, Charles Edward
- Spence, Kenneth
- Sperry, Roger W.
- Starbuck, E.D.
- Staudt Sexton, Virginia
- Stern, William
- Sternberg, Robert J.
- Stewart, Joseph
- Stratton, G.M.
- Strong, E.K., Jr.
- Structuralism
- Sully, J.
- Sumner, Francis Cecil
- Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools
- Terman, Lewis M.
- Terrorism and Politically Motivated Violence, Psychological Theories of
- Theories of Dissociation
- Theories of Emotion, History of
- Theories of Memory, History of.
- Thorndike, Edward
- Thurston, L.L
- Tinker, Miles A.
- Titchener, Edward Bradford
- Tolman, E.C.
- Trauma Psychology
- Troland, Leonard T.
- Tulving, Endel
- Uexküll, J. von
- University College London, History of Psychology at
- University of Denver, History of Psychology at
- University of Frankfurt, History of Psychology at
- University of Georgia, History of Psychology at
- University of Heidelberg, History of Psychology at
- University of Würzburg, History of Psychology at
- Vocational Psychology
- Von Helmholtz, Hermann
- Von Restorff, Hedwig
- Vygotsky, Lev
- Wallin, J.E.W.
- Wallon, Henry
- Warren, Howard Crosby
- Washburn, Margaret
- Watson, John Broadus
- Wechsler, David
- Wegener, Philipp
- Weiss, A.P.
- Weld, H.P.
- Wells, Frederic Lyman
- Werner, Heinz
- Wheeler, Raymond H.
- Willis, Thomas
- Winitz, Harris
- Witkin, Herman A.
- Wolpe, Joseph
- Women and Feminism, History of
- Woolley, Helen Bradford
- Wundt, Wilhelm
- Zajonc, R.B.
- Zazzo, René