Grasnick 5 : Beethoven's pocket sketchbook for the Agnus Dei of the Missa solemnis, opus 123 / transcribed, edited, and with a commentary by Patrizia Metzler and Fred Stoltzfus.

"Long neglected in scholarship, the so-called Grasnick 5 documents reveal Beethoven working out concepts and ideas, offering fascinating insights into his creative method. This critical edition, the third in the Beethoven Sketchbook Series, offers a facsimile and transcription of the contents o...

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Bibliographic Details
Other Authors: Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827 (Composer), Metzler, Patrizia (Editor, writer of supplementary textual contents.), Stoltzfus, Fred (Editor, writer of supplementary textual contents.)
Other title:Missa solemnis. Agnus Dei
Beethoven's pocket sketchbook for the Agnus Dei of the Missa solemnis, opus 123.
Format: Musical Score Book
Published: Urbana, IL : University of Illinois Press, [2016]
Series:Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. Works.

Music Library - Reference

Holdings details from Music Library - Reference
Call Number: ML96.5 .B4 op.123, 2016
ML96.5 .B4 op.123, 2016 Available Place a Hold