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|a Bound with: Pruning -- Poultry as food -- Meat on the farm: butchering, curing, and keeping -- Marketing live stock -- Beautifying the home grounds -- Experiment station work, xxiii: losses in manure, macaroni wheats, sterilizing greenhouse soils, tomatoes under glass, protection of peach buds, dandelions in lawns, apple pomace for cows, rations for laying hens, early molting of hens, evaporation from incubation eggs, the keeping quality of butter, curing cheese in cold storage -- Drainage of farm lands -- Weeds used in medicine -- Information concerning the Mexican cotton boll weevil -- Experiment station work, xxiv: cost of eggs in winter, the chicken mite, soiling crops, profitable and unprofitable cows, methods of milking, coating cheese with paraffin, the octagonal silo, ventilation of stables, disposal of diseased carcasses -- Cotton bollworm: an account of the insect, with results of experiments in 1903 -- Barnyard manure (a revision of Farmers’ Bulletin no. 21) -- Experiment station work, xxv: watermelons in the North, watermelon culture in Georgia, Muskmelon culture in the North, Rockyford muskmelons, cold storage of fruits, selection of seed corn, bread and toast, cooking meat, bitter milk -- Alfalfa seed -- Annual flowering plants -- Importation of game birds and eggs for propagation -- Strawberries -- Corn growing -- Turkeys: standard varieties and management -- Cream separator on western farms -- Experiment station work, xxvi: reclamation of flood-damaged lands, mulching vegetables and fruits, the cultivation of orchards, thinning apples, pop corn, fruit for farm animals, protein for dairy cows, cost of raising calves and pigs, manufacture of sage cheese, manufacture of cottage cheese, a cheap fruit evaporator -- Canned fruit, preserves, and jellies: household methods of preparation -- Cultivation of mushrooms -- Pig management -- Milk fever: its simple and successful treatment -- Game laws for 1904: a summary of the provisions relating to seasons, shipment, sale, and licenses -- Varieties of fruits recommended for planting -- Controlling the boll weevil in cotton seed and at ginneries -- Experiment station work, xxvii: hen manure, nitrate of soda for field crops, varieties culture and quality of wheat, breeding corn, quality of irrigated crops, shading strawberries and vegetables, injuries to shade trees, soft corn, hay substitutes, oak leaves and forage, the covered milk pail, canning cheese, millet seed for hogs, fertilizers for potatoes.