A national asset [electronic resource] : essays commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre / edited by Meredith Thatcher and Desmond Ball.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via JSTOR)
Other Authors: Ball, Desmond, Carr, Andrew
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: Canberra : ANU Press, 2016.
Table of Contents:
  • Foreword: From 1966 to a different lens on peacemaking
  • 1. Strategic thought and security preoccupations in Australia
  • 2. Strategic studies in a changing world
  • 3. Strategic studies in Australia
  • 4. From childhood to maturity: the SDSC, 1972-82
  • 5. Reflections on the SDSC's middle decades
  • 6. SDSC in the nineties: a difficult transition
  • 7. Researching history at SDSC
  • 8. Same questions, different organization: SDSC's fifth decade
  • 9. SDSC at 50: towards a new golden age
  • 50th anniversary celebratory dinner keynote speech: 'To see what is worth seeing'
  • About the Book; Contributors; Foreword: From 1966 to a Different Lens on Peacemaking; Preface; Acronyms and Abbreviations; List of Plates; Strategic Thought and Security Preoccupations in Australia; Coral Bell; Strategic Studies in a€Changing€World; T.B. Millar; Strategic Studies in Australia; J.D.B. Miller; From Childhood to Maturity: The€SDSC, 1972-82; Robert O'Neill; Reflections on the SDSC's Middle€Decades; Desmond Ball; SDSC in the Nineties: A€Difficult€Transition; Paul Dibb; Researching History at SDSC; David Horner; Same Questions, Different Organisation: SDSC's€Fifth€Decade.
  • Hugh WhiteSDSC at 50: Towards a€New€Golden€Age; Brendan Taylor; 50th Anniversary Celebratory Dinner Keynote Speech: 'To See What is Worth Seeing'; Brendan Sargeant, Associate Secretary, Department€of€Defence; Conference Program
  • SDSC€at 50: New Directions in€Strategic€Thinking 2.0; Appendix: Key SDSC Publications; The SDSC team, December 2015; Plate 1 Dr T.B. Millar, head of SDSC, 1966-71, 1982-84; Plate 2 Professor Sir John Crawford and Professor Anthony Low, chairmen of the SDSC Advisory Committee, 1966-67 and 1973-75 respectively.
  • Plate 3 Professor J.D.B. Miller, head of the Department of International Relations, 1962-87, and member of the SDSC Advisory Committee, 1966-87Plate 4 Professor Hedley Bull, joint head of the Department of International Relations and member of the SDSC Advisory Committee, €1967-77; Plate 5 Robert O'Neill, head of SDSC, 1971-82; Plate 6 Colonel J.O. Langtry, executive officer, and Desmond Ball, research€fellow, 1975; Plate 7 Joli and Peter Hastings, former research assistant and€senior€research fellow, May 1986; Plate 8 Robert O'Neill (right) with Gunther Patz, former PhD student, 1992.
  • Plate 9 Colonel J.O. Langtry, executive officer, October 1983Plate 10 Billie Dalrymple, secretary; Desmond Ball, deputy€head; and€Ram€Subramanian, visiting fellow, Thredbo, 1982; Plate 11 Ray Funnell, Robert O'Neill, Suzanne Funnell, Billie€Dalrymple€and€Mara Moustafine, 1988; Plate 12 Paul Dibb, senior research fellow, 1984; Plate 13 Desmond Ball, head of SDSC, at the entrance to€the€Pine€Gap€station, July 1984; Plate 14 US President Jimmy Carter and Desmond Ball, April 1985.
  • Plate 15 Desmond Ball and Australian Federation of University Women, Queensland fellow Samina Yasmeen at SDSC, 1985-86Plate 16 Benjamin Lambeth and Ross Babbage, senior research fellows, and Ray Funnell, July 1986; Plate 17 Mr R.H. Mathams, member of the SDSC€Advisory€Committee, €1985-89; Plate 18 Andy Mack, senior research fellow, 1983-85; Plate 19 Greg Fry, research fellow, 1983-86; Plate 21 Andrew Butfoy, SDSC's first PhD student, 1984-88; Plate 22 Nicola Baker, PhD€student, 1995-2000.