Table of Contents:
  • Introduction: Nikkei in the Pacific Northwest / Luis Piset and Gail M. Nomura
  • Writing racial barriers into law: upholding B.C.'s denial of the vote to its Japanese Canadian citizens, Homma v. Cunningham, 1902 / Andrea Geiger-Adams
  • Becoming "local" Japanese: Issei adaptive strategies on the Yakama Indian Reservation / Gail M. Nomura
  • Yasutaro Yamaga: Fraser Valley berry farmer, community leader, and strategist / Michiko Midge Ayukawa
  • Americanization vs. Japanese cultural maintenance: analyzing Seattle's Nihongo Tokuhon, 1920 / Noriko Asato
  • "The nail that sticks up gets hit": the architecture of Japanese American identity in the urban environment, 1885-1942 / Gail Lee Durbow
  • Four Hirabayashi cousins: a question of identity / James A. Hirabayashi
  • The Minidoka draft resisters in a federal kangaroo court / Eric L. Muller
  • Words do matter: a note on inappropriate terminology and the incarceration of the Japanese Americans / Roger Daniels
  • In the matter of Iwao Matsushita: a government decision to intern a Seattle Japanese enemy alien in World War II / Louis Fiset
  • The "free zone" Nikkei: Japanese Americans in Idaho and eastern Oregon in World War II / Robert C. Sims
  • Lessons in citizenship, 1945-1949: the delayed return of the Japanese to Canada's Pacific coast / Patricia E. Roy
  • Peculiar odyssey: newsman Jimmie Omura's removal from and regeneration within Nikkei society, history, and memory / Arthur A. Hansen
  • Reclaiming and reinventing "Powell Street": reconstruction of the Japanese-Canadian community in post-World War II Vancouver / Masumi Izumi.