Table of Contents:
  • The fight against civilization; or, the rebirth of tragedy. Invocation of the plague : nouveau mal du siecle the residues of war "The future of the world"
  • Reactionary modern : the controversions of the counter-enlightenment anywhere out of this world irrational affinities
  • Audience, mass, crowd. The avant-garde and the audience : the crisis of bourgeois theater the avant-garde and the audience immersion agitation
  • The theater of cruelty and conceptions of the audience
  • Theaters for the masses : working on the masses mythical, total, real
  • Crowds and cruelty : crowd feeling in the theater of cruelty the nerve meter
  • Visions of power. The artist of the theater : the rise of the director artistic power in the Jarry Theater the direction of menace
  • Controlling forces : directing The Cenci concentrating control power by charisma
  • Conclusion : longing for nothingness.