The coppie of a letter from Sir Thomas Fairfax his quarters to the Parliament, concerning the great battell betweene Sir Thomas Fairfax and Goring at Langport on Thursday the 10. of July 1645. [electronic resource] : Where were slaine, 300. dead upon the place. Many caried to Bridgewater. Taken prisoners. 6. colours. 14. Lieutenant Colonels and Majors. 100. Captaines and officers of note. 2000. prisoners. Taken besides. 1200. horse. 40. colours of horse and foot. 4000. armes for horse and foot. 2. peeces of ordnance. 6. cartloads of ammunition. All their bag and baggage that was in the field. L. Gen. Cromwells speech in the head of the armie. 2. garrisons taken from them. A list of the chiefest commanders on our side, that were killed: or wounded. And in what manner the enemies are dispersed into their severall quarters. Also how Major Generall Massey the day before tooke Lievetenant Generall Porter, Lievetenant Generall of Gorings horse ... and the enemie pursued to Bridgewater, ..

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Main Author: Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, Baron, 1612-1671
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: [London] : Printed by Barnard Alsop, and Iane Coe, [1645]
Series:Early English books online.