27 sermons preached by the ryght Reuerende father in God and constant matir [sic] of Iesus Christe, Maister Hugh Latimer, as well such as in tymes past haue bene printed, as certayne other commyng to our handes of late, whych were yet neuer set forth in print. Faithfully perused [and] allowed accordying to the order appoynted in the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions. 1. Hys sermon Ad clerum. 2. Hys fourth sermon vpon the plough. 3. Hys. 7. sermons before kyng Edward. 4 Hys sermon at Stamforde. 5. Hys last sermon before kyng Edward. 6. Hys. 7. sermons vpon the Lordes prayer. 7. Hys other. 9. sermons vpon certayne Gospels and Epistles [electronic resource]

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Main Author: Latimer, Hugh, 1485?-1555
Other Authors: Bernher, Augustine
Other title:Fruitfull sermons.
Twenty-seven sermons.
Seuen sermons of the reuerend father, M. Hughe Latimer, whiche he preached before our late souerayne lorde of famous memory king Edward the. vi. within the preaching place, in the Palace at Westminster, in the yeare of our Lorde. 1549.
Seven sermons of the reverend father, M. Hughe Latimer, whiche he preached before our late soverayne lorde of famous memory king Edward the. vi. within the preaching place, in the Palace at Westminster, in the yeare of our Lorde. 1549.
Certayn godly sermons, made vppon the Lords Prayer.
Certayn godly sermons, made uppon the Lords Prayer.
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: Imprinted at London : By Iohn Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate. Cum gratia & priuilegio Regi[a]e Maiestatis, per septennium, Anno. 1562.