Deeds against nature, and monsters by kinde [electronic resource] : tryed at the goale deliuerie of Newgate, at the sessions in the Old Bayly, the 18. and 19. of Iuly last, 1614. the one of a London cripple named Iohn Arthur, that to hide his shame and lust, strangled his betrothed wife. The other of a lasciuious young damsell named Martha Scambler, which made away the fru[i]t of her own womb, that the world might not see the seed of her owne shame: which two persons with diuers others vvere executed at Tyburne the 21. o[f] Iuly folowing. With two sorrowfull ditties of these two aforesaid persons, made by themselues in Newgate, the night before their execution.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: At London : Printed [by G. Eld] for Edward Wright, 1614.


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