Statuta [electronic resource] : the Kyng Our Souerayne Lorde Henry the VIII, after the co[n]quest by the grace of God Kyng of Englande and of Frau[n]ce, defender of the faythe and Lorde of Irlande, at his P[ar]liament holden at London the xv. daye of Aprill in the xiiii. yere of his moost noble reigne, and from thens adiourned to Westmynster the laste day of July, the xv. yere of his sayd reigne and there holden, to the honour of almighty God and of holy churche, and for the weale and profite of this his realme and by the assent of the Lordes spyrituall and temporall, and the Co[m]mens in this present P[ar]lyament assembled, and by auctorite of the same, hath do to be ordayned, made and enacted, certayne statutes and ordynau[n]ces, in maner and forme folowyng.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Corporate Authors: England and Wales, England and Wales. Sovereign (1536-1547 : Henry VIII)
Other title:Laws, etc.
Anno xiiii et anno xv Henrici VIII.
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: [London] : Enprinted ... by Richarde Pynson ..., [1525?]
Series:Early English books online.


Full Text (via Early English Books Online)


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