A Particuler, of the yeelding uppe of the Towne of Zutphen, and the beleagering of Deuenter. [electronic resource] : With the honourable enterprise of Sir Roger Williams, Knight: performed upon a thousande and two hundreth of the enemyes souldiours or leagors, lying at Cinque Saunce, nine leagues from Deepe: Who were all put to the sword, vpon Thursday before Witsonday last, being the xx. day of May, 1591. Seene and allowed.
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Other title: | Particuler, of the yeelding vppe of the Towne of Zutphen, and the beleagering of Deuenter. |
Format: | Electronic eBook |
Language: | English |
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At London :
Printed by Iohn Charlwood, and to be solde by William Wright,
Series: | Early English books online.
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Full Text (via Early English Books Online)Online
Call Number: |
DH186 .P37 1591
DH186 .P37 1591 | Available |