A summons for svvearers, and a law for the lips in reproving them [electronic resource] : wherein the chiefe disswasives from swearing are proposed, the sleight objections for swearing answered, the strange judgments upon swearers, forswearers, cursers, that take Gods name in vain, related. Which may be a terror to the wicked for swearing, and a preservative for the godly from swearing. With sundry arguments to prove the verity of the Scriptures, and excellencie of the decalogue, against all prophane and atheisticall deniers thereof. By Walter Powell, preacher at Standish, neer Glocester.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Main Author: Powell, Walter, b. 1590 or 91
Other title:Summons for swearers, and a law for the lips in reproving them.
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: London : Printed by Matthew Simmons in Aldersgate-street [and are to be sold by Benjamin Allen, at the signe of the Crown in Popes-head Alley], 1645.