The perfect weekly account. [electronic resource] : Containing the daily intelligence in England, Ireland, and Scotland, with the proceedings of the armie under the command of his Excellency the Lord General Cromwel.
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Full Text (via Early English Books Online)The perfect weekly account. Containing the daily intelligence in England, Ireland, and Scotland, with the proceedings of the armie under the command of his Excellency the Lord General Cromwel. [Issue 70] -- Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest
The perfect weekly account. Containing the daily intelligence in England, Ireland, and Scotland, with the proceedings of the armie under the command of his Excellency the Lord General Cromwel. [Issue 70] -- Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest
The perfect weekly account. Containing the daily intelligence in England, Ireland, and Scotland, with the proceedings of the armie under the command of his Excellency the Lord General Cromwel. [Issue 70] -- Early English Books Online (EEBO) ProQuest
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50 01, 0116 - 50 12, 3116 |
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