Exceeding good newes from the neweries in Ireland [electronic resource] : being the true copie of a letter sent from Dublin the 20, of Aprill, 1642 / to Sir William Adderton now resident in London, from Mr. Stephen Iohnson merchant ; wherein is declared the victorious proceedings of the protestant army in the meweries ; likewise the true discription of a famous victory obtained against 5000 of the rebels by Sir Christopher Loftus on the 16 day of Aprill where he slew almost 400 of them putting the rest to flight ; also a true relation how and by what meanes Sir Charles Coote, Captaine Daniel Bartlet, and Sir Christopher Loftus on the 18 day of Aprill, tooke a great castle where Philomy Oneale was quartered and where great store of victuall and ammunition was found to the great reliefe of our English army ; with a true intelligence that there was that day 3000 more of the rebels slaine ; sent over by the last post, and now by intreaty printed for the comfort and consolation of all true hearted Protestants that are well-willers to their brethren in Ireland.
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Printed by T.F. for I.H.,
Series: | Early English books online.
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