Admirable, good, true and joyfull newes from Ireland [electronic resource] : being an exact relation of the last weekes passages in Ireland dated from Dublin May the 8, 1642 : wherein is shewed how by the undaunted valour and wisedom of Sir Charles Coot the town and castle of Trim was taken from the enemy : where in 4000 of the rebels were besides 4 lords of the Pale who were glad to fly with as many more as could : the rest were taken prisoners & about 200 or more killed : by which happy victory 40 Protestants obtained their freedome who were before kept prisoners by the rebels in that castle : likewise a relation of another great overthrow given to the Lord Muscry by the Lord president of Munster : with the names of some other forts and townes taken from the rebels by the protestant army.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: Printed at London : for Iohn Wright, 1642.
Series:Early English books online.


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