A true relation of the victory and happy success of a squadron of His Majesties fleet in the Mediterranean, against the pyrates of Algiers [electronic resource] / taken as well out of letters from Sir Thomas Allen, His Majesties admiral in those seas, and from Sir Wil. Godolphin, His Majesties envoye extraordinary to the court of Spain, as also, from a relation made by the Heer van Ghent, the admiral of the Dutch fleet, who assisted in that action.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Main Author: Allen, Thomas, 1612-1685
Other Authors: Godolphin, William, Sir, 1634?-1696, Gendt, Willem Joseph, baron van, 1626-1672
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: [London] : Printed by T. Newcomb in the Savoy, 1670.
Series:Early English books online.