Misery to bee lamented, or, A Doleful relation of the sad accident which befell Lawrence Cawthorn [electronic resource] : a journey-man- butcher, belonging to the shambles in Newgate-Market, who being supposed to be dead, was caused to be presently buried by his lanlady [sic] Mris. Co[o?]k ... and how he came to himself again ... it being also certainly reported, that he was heard to utter many grievous shrieks and groans ... from Friday night, June 21 to Monday morning June 24, 1661 : to the tune of Troy town.
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Other title: | Doleful relation of the sad accident which befell Lawrence Cawthorn. Troy town. |
Format: | Electronic eBook |
Language: | English |
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London :
Printed for F.G. ...,
Series: | Early English books online.
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Full Text (via Early English Books Online)Online
Call Number: |
PR3291.A1 M57 1661
PR3291.A1 M57 1661 | Available |