The poor mans misery, or, Poverty attendeth vain company [electronic resource] : with a speedy call to repentance from their ways. Wherein you may behold who they are that are reckoned in the ranck of vain persons, and also the great danger they live in, whilst they live in vanity, and follow the ways of sin and wickedness. Very necessary for all to read and consider of the danger thereof in this day, wherein so many take pleasure in sin, and wicked company. By Roger Hough a lover of sobriety.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Main Author: Hough, Roger
Other title:Poor mans misery.
Poverty attendeth vain company.
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: London : printed for Tho. Passenger at the sign of the Three bibles on the middle of London-Bridge, 1670.