A voice out of the wildernes, crying with many tears and strong perswasions to the world for repentance. [electronic resource] : Proving by undeniable grounds from the word of God, that the great day of his righteous judgment will certainly be in this present age, namely about the 45th. yeer after the ruine of Rome, in 1666. Wherein are unfolded many great and wonderful mysteries of God, foretold in his word to come to pass unto th' end of the world. This work consists of five small tracts: 1. To the church of Rome, printed first in an. 1588. 2. To Qu. Elizabeth, presented to her in an. 1589. 3. To the E. of Essex in her days, called, Babylon is fal'n 4. To K. James, being an exposition of the 11. 12, 13. ch. Apoc. 5. De fide, against Baro, since translated into English. / By T.L. sometime a student in the University of Cambridge in the daies of Q: Elizabeth.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Early English Books Online)
Main Author: T. L.
Other title:De fide, eiusque ortu, et natura.
Advertisement to Q. Elizabeth.
To the church of Rome.
Babylon is fallen, or, A prophecy that had lain hid above two thousand years.
Brief exposition of the XI. XII. and XIII. chapters of the Revelation.
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: London printed, : And are to be sold at the Three Bibles in Paul's Church-yard, and at the Crown in Popes-Head-Alley, 1661.
Series:Early English books online.


Full Text (via Early English Books Online)


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