Special Tests of the Cardiopulmonary, Vascular, and Gastrointestinal Systems.

Organized in a user-friendly format, Special Tests of the Cardiopulmonary, Vascular, and Gastrointestinal Systems provides a unique, compact, and concise summary of over 95 special tests and exam procedures.Drs. Dennis OConnell, Janelle OConnell, and Martha Hinman have organized Special Tests of the...

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Online Access: Full Text (via Taylor & Francis)
Main Author: O'Connell, Dennis
Other Authors: O'Connell, Janelle, Hinman, Martha
Format: eBook
Published: [Place of publication not identified] : CRC Press, 2024.
Edition:First edition.
Table of Contents:
  • DedicationAcknowledgmentsAbout the AuthorsPrefaceForeword by Donald K. Shaw, PT, PhD, FAACVPRIntroduction Section One: Examination of the Cardiovascular SystemCardiovascular Disease Risk FactorsHeart Rate-Resting (Adults)Heart Rate-Resting (Infants-Adolescents)PulsesBlood Pressure MeasurementPulse PressureRate-Pressure Product or Double ProductAcute Chest Pain-Cardiac OriginAngina Pain Rating ScaleOther Sources of Chest PainCardiac Inspection and PalpationAuscultationJugular Venous Distension Section Two: Examination of the Pulmonary SystemRespiratory HistoryInspection of the ThoraxPulmonary AnatomyRespiratory RateRespiratory RhythmRespiratory Depth and Symmetry of MovementThoracic Depth, Width, and DiameterThoracic Excursion Measurement via CircumferencePalpation of Tactile FremitusPercussionDiaphragmatic ExcursionAuscultation Technique and Normal SoundsAuscultation of Transmitted Voice SoundsOxygen SaturationChest DisordersDyspnea With Activities of Daily LivingDyspnea at RestDyspnea During Activity Section Three: Examination of the AbdomenInspectionAuscultation of the Abdominal VasculaturePercussion of the AbdomenLight Palpation of the AbdomenDeep Palpation of the Abdomen Deep Palpation of the Abdomen-Bimanual Technique for the LiverDeep Palpation of the Abdomen-Bimanual Technique for the SpleenDeep Palpation of the Abdomen-Bimanual Technique for the KidneysDeep Palpation of the AortaBlumbergÆs Sign (Rebound Tenderness)MurphyÆs SignIliopsoas Muscle Test for AppendicitisObturator Muscle Test for AppendicitisAssessment of Diastasis Recti (Done) Section Four: Examination of the Peripheral Vascular SystemPeripheral Vascular History: Differential Diagnosis for Arterial and Venous DiseasesAssessing the Integumentary System for Skin CancerSkin TurgorSkin TemperatureFigure-of-Eight Methods for Measuring Limb EdemaVolumetric Measures of Limb Edema (Water Displacement Method)Girth Measurements and Estimated Limb Segment VolumeCapillary Refill Time Test (CRTT)Elevation PallorStoop TestTreadmill Time to ClaudicationActive Pedal Plantarflexion (APP) Intermittent Claudication TestAllenÆs Test for Hand CirculationVertebral Artery TestRoos Test for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI)HomansÆ TestWellÆs Clinical Prediction Rule for Deep Vein ThrombosisWellÆs Clinical Prediction Rule for Pulmonary EmbolismClinical Prediction Rule for Upper Extremity Deep Vein ThrombosisCuff Test for Venous Insufficiency/OcclusionVenous Percussion, Tap, or Cough TestVenous Filling TimePitting EdemaKaposi Stemmer Sign (Edema vs Lymphedema)Auscultation of Carotid Artery Section Five: Submaximal Exercise EvaluationConcepts of Submaximal TestingOxygen Consumption and METsMetabolic Equivalents (METs)Measuring Exercise Heart RatePredicting VO2max From Submaximal Heart Rate DataMax METs Normative DataRisk Stratification for Exercise Testing or PrescriptionGeneral Exercise Test Procedural InformationBruce Treadmill ProtocolExercise Test or Exercise Session TerminationPrediction of VO2max via Nonexercise SurveyDuke Activity Status IndexTwo-Minute Walk TestSix-Minute Walk TestSix-Minute Walk Test on Treadmill for Younger AdultsTimed One-Mile WalkSeated Step Test (SST)Tecumseh Step TestYMCA Step TestAstrand-Rhyming Cycle Ergometer TestYMCA Cycle Ergometer TestSingle-Stage Treadmill TestNaughton Treadmill ProtocolWheelchair TestThe Talk Test (Indirect Assessment of Anaerobic Threshold)Calculating Target Heart Rates AppendicesAppendix A: Maximal Aerobic PowerAppendix B: Monark Cycle Ergometer CalibrationAppendix C: Treadmill CalibrationAppendix D: HR-MET Chart Altug Book Appendix E: YMCA HR-VO2max ChartAppendix F: Astrand-Rhyming Nomogram Index