Reports of controverted elections in the House of representatives, of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, from 1780 to 1852: the cases from 1780 to 1834, inclusive, compiled from the journals, files, and printed documents of the House, in pursuance of an order thereof, and under the direction of a committee appointed for the purpose, by Luther S. Cushing: and the cases from 1835 to 1852, inclusive, in pursuance of a resolve of the General court, passed on the 18th of May, 1852, by Luther S. Cushing, Charles W. Storey, and Lewis Josselyn.

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Bibliographic Details
Corporate Author: Massachusetts. General Court. House of Representatives
Other Authors: Cushing, Luther Stearns, 1803-1856, Storey, Charles William, 1816-1893, Josselyn, Lewis, 1805-1889
Format: Book
Published: Boston : White & Potter, printers to the state, 1853.