Research memorandum series / American Bar Foundation.

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Corporate Author: American Bar Foundation
Other title:Admission of nonresident attorneys pro hac vice in state courts and the District of Columbia.
Prepaid legal expense insurance.
Memorandum on legal problems in the exploration of outer space.
Opinions of the A.B.A. Committee on Professional Ethics bearing on an "annual legal check-up" plan.
Industrial relations consultants: unauthorized practice of law problems.
Supplement to Appendix A of Canons of professional and judicial ethics: opinions of Committee on Professional Ethics and Grievances, 1952 to June 1958.
Supplement to Appendix A of Canons of professional and judicial ethics: opinions of Committee on Professional Ethics and Grievances, 1958 to 1959.
Supplementary memorandum on prepaid legal expense insurance.
Contingent fees in claims and actions for personal injury and wrongful death (rule 4)
Economic surveys of the legal profession: what direction should they take.
Minimum fee schedules and the antitrust laws: a preliminary analysis.
Rate of increase in the number of lawyers and population growth.
List of articles for foreign lawyers. List of books for foreign law libraries.
Compilation of published statistics on law school enrollments and admissions to the bar, 1889-1957 (preliminary draft)
A list of foreign bar associations.
Bibliography of periodicals, Cromwell Library of the American Bar Foundation.
Lawyer migrations.
Recent statistics on the income of lawyers in the United States.
A summary of the Royal Commission report on doctors' and dentists' remuneration (1957-1960)
Lawyer as legislator.
Specialization in the practice of law: canons of professional ethics and opinions of the Committee on Professional Ethics and Grievances.
A directory of the foundations of the legal profession.
Delays in the execution of death sentences.
A review of family law research and some suggested areas of future activity.
Long-range objectives of the American Bar Association: the achievements of a decade, 1951-1961.
Selected list of books on the administration of justice in federal states, with particular emphasis on the United States of America.
Ethical problems raised by the association and corporation of lawyers.
Charlotte Law Library: report and recommendations.
Seminar on agrarian reform and economic development.
Problems in hospitalizing the mentally ill.
Report on the American Bar Foundation's visit to Southeast Asian legal research centers and law libraries. The proposal for the American Bar Foundation's Southeast Asian program. The proposal for implementing the overall program, 1964-1965.
Fair trial, free press.
United States Supreme Court decisions during the last decade: has the court exceeded its powers?
Recent surveys and statistics on the income of lawyers.
Provisions in state constitutions guaranteeing the right to bear arms.
Format: Serial
Published: Chicago : American Bar Foundation, 1958-

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