Physical Description:volumes : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Related Items:Supplement to: International building code; ICC electrical code; International energy conservation code; International existing building code; International fire code; International fuel gas code; International mechanical code; International plumbing code; International private sewage disposal code; International property maintenance code; International residential code; International urban-wildland interface code; and: International zoning code.
Numbering Peculiarities Note:Issue for 2004 supplements the 2003 editions of the various codes.
Supplement Parent Entry:International ... code (DLC) 00242102 (DLC) 00242166 (DLC)sn 99038368 (DLC) 00242103 (DLC)sn 99038371 (DLC) 96648276 (DLC) 95648359 (DLC) 95648457 (DLC)sn 99038370 (DLC) 00242104 (DLC) 2004209826 (DLC)sn 99038369.
International ... code (DLC) 00242102 (DLC) 00242166 (DLC)sn 99038368 (DLC) 00242103 (DLC)sn 99038371 (DLC) 96648276 (DLC) 95648359 (DLC) 95648457 (DLC)sn 99038370 (DLC) 00242104 (DLC) 2004209826 (DLC)sn 99038369.