The eccentric and singular productions of Sir W. Courtenay, K.M., alias Mr. Tom, spirit merchant and maltster of Truro in Cornwall, late candidate for the representation of the city of Canterbury in Parliament, now an inmate of the Lunatic Asylum, Barming Heath near Maidstone [electronic resource] : to which are added his weekly publication "The Lion," from the first number to its conclusion : the whole accurately reprinted, as issued by him during and after the election : his trial at Maidstone for perjury, on Thursday, July the 25th, 1833, before Mr. Justice James Parke, with other interesting information never before published, embellished with fac-similes of the signatures of this extraordinary individual, both as Mr. N. Tom and Sir William Courtenay, K.M., and a neatly executed print, representing the high street, Canterbury, with the knight addressing the public from the balcony of the Rose Inn.

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Bibliographic Details
Online Access: Full Text (via Gale)
Main Author: Tom, John Nichols, 1799-1838
Other title:MOML trials online.
Format: Electronic eBook
Published: Canterbury : Henry Ward, [1833?]


Full Text (via Gale)

Law - Electronic Resources

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