State of Arizona, complainant, vs. State of California ... [et al.], defendants : United States of America, intervener : State of Nevada, intervener : motion to join, as parties, the states of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.
Case summary: "Arizona v. California was a 12-year epic battle including three years of trial in front of a special master appointed by the U.S. Supreme Court. The trial involved 106 witnesses and hundreds of volumes of exhibits, ultimately producing a 433-page final report from the Master in D...
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Table of Contents:
- Motion to join, as parties, the states of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming, Arizona v. California
- Exhibit A. Summary of the controversy. The quantities of water in controversy ; Ultimate issues ; Factual issues ; The issues of interpretation of the Colorado River Compact, the Boulder Canyon Project Act, the Statutory Compact, and the Mexican Water Treaty.