Table of Contents:
  • SEASON ONE : FASHION LAW AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: In the beginning, there was piracy
  • Fashion law and intellectual property : the road to the IDPPPA
  • Fashion marks and the Lanham Act : considering the "likelihood of confusion" in fashion handbags
  • Seeing red : the battle over your sole
  • Fabric designs and copyrights and trademarks
  • My good name is valuable! : but to what extent?
  • What's in a (trademarked) name?
  • Contributory trademark infringement and the fashion world
  • Tackling the counterfeiters
  • SEASON TWO : FASHION LAW AND BUSINESS, TRADE, LITIGATION, AND CONSUMER PROTECTION: How much is that couture in the window? : fashion, minimum resale prices, and antitrust regulations
  • Slaving away and sweating for the shop : fashion and labor law
  • Express yourself : fashion as expression under the First Amendment
  • Fashion and beauty as religious apparel
  • Fashion law and consumer protection : FTC regulations regarding garment labels
  • What's the dress code here? : laws regarding dress codes.
  • SEASON THREE : BEAUTY AND THE LAW: Does it pass the smell test? : versions of perfumes, beauty products, and hair care, and intellectual property protections
  • Delegation problems
  • NO-rganic products : this is not what you promised!
  • Beauty biz : responsibility of the board to maximize immediate stockholder value by securing the highest price available
  • Beauty, looks, and hairstyles in the workplace
  • "Lookism" and the law
  • Models and the law
  • SEASON FOUR : FITNESS AND THE LAW: Why can't I cancel my membership?
  • When the marathon hurts more than it should : the duty of race organizers to provide adequate water and electrolytes
  • Race to the trademark
  • When that diet does not work as promised : FTC probes into companies' claims and ensuing class-action litigation by consumers
  • When beauty hurts : blockbuster lawsuits involving diet and beauty products.