Table of Contents:
  • A Barzunesque view of Cicero : from giant to dwarf and back / Philip Thomas
  • Reading a dead man's mind : Hellenistic philosophy, rhetoric and Roman law / Olga Tellegen-Couperus and Jan Willem Tellegen
  • Law's nature : philosophy as a legal argument in Cicero's writings / Benedikt Forschner
  • Cicero and the small world of Roman jurists / Yasmina Benferhat
  • 'Jurists in the shadows' : the everyday business of the jurists of Cicero's time / Christine Lehne-Gstreinthaler
  • Cicero's reception in the juristic tradition of the Early Empire / Matthijs Wibier
  • Servius, Cicero and the Res publica of Justinian / Jill Harries
  • Cicero and the Italians : expansion of empire, creation of law / Saskia T. Roselaar
  • Jurors, jurists and advocates : law in the Rhetorica ad Herennium and De Inventione / Jennifer Hilder
  • Multiple charges, unitary punishment and rhetorical strategy in the Quaestiones of the Late Roman Republic / Michael C. Alexander
  • Early-career prosecutors : forensic activity and senatorial careers in the Late Republic / Catherine Steel.