Search Results - "DA410 .E55"
Twenty eight propositions made by both Houses of Parliament nineteen of them to the Kings Maiestie for a reconciliation of differences between His Majesty and the said Houses, the...
Published 1642“…DA410 .E55…”
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The King's Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects of his kingdome of Scotland with an act of the Lords and His Majesties Privy Councell for the printing and publishing th...
Published 1643“…DA410 .E55…”
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His Maiesties letter to both Houses of Parliament concerning the manifold distractions which are now in this kingdome with His Maiesties speech to the committee at the delivering o...
Published 1642“…DA410 .E55…”
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His Majesties gracious messages for peace sent to the two Houses of Parliament at Westminster, and to the commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland, the 17 and 24 of Jannary [sic...
Published 1645“…DA410 .E55…”
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The Kings declaration for a pacification and peace between His Majestie and the Parliament with his protestation to defend the Protestant religion, his offer of pardon to all his l...
Published 1642“…DA410 .E55…”
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His Majesties final remonstrance and ultimate answers and concessions to the papers and replies of the Parliaments commissioners concerning Ireland and episcopacy with his gracious...
Published 1648“…DA410 .E55…”
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His Majesties most gracious message to the two Houses of Parliament at Westminster and the commisioners of the Parliament of Scotland January 29, 1645 concerning the Earle of Glamo...
Published 1645“…DA410 .E55…”
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His Majesties declaraion [sic] to the Honourable House of Commons drawn up by the consent of the Lords and Commons that are now attending His Royall Majesty according to His Majest...
Published 1642“…DA410 .E55…”
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His Majesties declaration to both Houses of Parliament, Martii 21, 1641 which he likewise recommends to the consideration of all his loving subjects, in answer to that presented to...
Published 1642“…DA410 .E55…”
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The Kings declaration and the Princes honovr made captaine of the troupe for the county of York, assembled by His Majesties commission at Heworth Moore, as it was really sent in a...
Published 1642“…DA410 .E55…”
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His Maiesties declaration and manifestation to all his souldiers by himselfe declared in the head of his army at Southam ... Octob. 21, for direction in their marching, that the go...
Published 1642“…DA410 .E55…”
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His Maiesties declaration to both Houses of Parliament (which hee likewise recommends to the consideration of all his loving subjects) in answer to that presented to him at New-Mar...
Published 1642“…DA410 .E55…”
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An act which His Maiesty hath promised his royall word to passe for justifying the proceedings of Parliament in the late war, and for declaring all oathes, declarations, proclamati...
Published 1648“…DA410 .E55…”
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The King's Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects of his kingdom of Scotland with an act of the Lords of His Majesties Privy Councell for the printing and publishing ther...
Published 1643“…DA410 .E55…”
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