Search Results - "Serial set 2261"
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- Cost 8
- Navigation improvements 7
- Land claims 5
- Financial statements 4
- Foreign trade 4
- Rivers, creeks, streams, etc 4
- Supplementary appropriations 4
- Federal receipts and expenditures 3
- Federal-Indian relations 3
- Harbors and ports 3
- Hydrographic surveying 3
- Indian reservations 3
- Railroads 3
- Site selection 3
- Treaties 3
- Wages and salaries 3
- Arms production 2
- Arsenals and armories 2
- Building construction 2
- Canals 2
- Channels (Hydraulic engineering) 2
- Clerks 2
- Coal 2
- Discovery and exploration 2
- Dredging 2
- Exports 2
- Government employees and officials 2
- Government purchasing of real property 2
- Grazing 2
- History 2
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting communication from the Secretary of the Navy relative to the services extended in Russia to the survivors of the steam...
Published 1885“…Serial set 2261…”
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Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of the Interior, with a draft of proposed legislation relative to claims of Omaha I...
Published 1885“…Serial set 2261…”
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Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting report of the Surveyor General of New Mexico in the case of private land claim No. 134, in the Territory of New Mexico, know...
Published 1885“…Serial set 2261…”
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Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, in compliance with law, letter of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, with report upon the coal on the White Mountain Reser...
Published 1885“…Serial set 2261…”
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Letter from the Attorney-General relative to the erection of a United States penitentiary. December 20, 1884. -- Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary and ordered to be printe...
Published 1884“…Serial set 2261…”
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Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting letter of Chief of Engineers, dated the 2d instant, inclosing copy of report of Col. A.F. Rockwell, U.S.A., in relation to a system o...
Published 1884“…Serial set 2261…”
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Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting report of the commission to select a site and supervise the erection of a pedestal for a statue of the late President Garfield. Dec....
Published 1884“…Serial set 2261…”
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Report of the Gun Foundry Board, February 16, 1884, organized by the President in accordance with act of Congress approved March 3, 1883. Together with the supplementary report of...
Published 1884“…Serial set 2261…”
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Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting letter of the Surgeon-General with petitions of hospital stewards of the Army for increase of pay. December 8, 1884. -- Referred to t...
Published 1884“…Serial set 2261…”
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Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting statement of the expenditures at the Springfield Armory during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1884. December 8, 1884. -- Referred to...
Published 1884“…Serial set 2261…”
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Letter from the Postmaster General, recommending an additional appropriation for clerks in post-offices. December 8, 1884. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordere...
Published 1884“…Serial set 2261…”
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Report of a military reconnaissance in Alaska, made in 1883, by Frederick Schwatka, 1st Lieut., 3d Regt. Cavalry, U.S. Army.
Published 1884“…Serial set 2261…”
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Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting report of the "Armament Board" upon the various kinds of ordnance for the service. December 8, 1884. -- Referred to the Committee on...
Published 1884“…Serial set 2261…”
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Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting report of "Tests of Iron and Steel and other Materials for Industrial Purposes," by Maj. F.H. Parker, commanding the Watertown Arsena...
Published 1884“…Serial set 2261…”
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Letter from the Secretary of the Navy, responding to Senate resolution of December 15, 1884, stating that orders have been issued to Civil Engineer A.G. Menocal, Civil Engineer R.E...
Published 1884“…Serial set 2261…”
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Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs relative to the failure of the Utah and Northern Railway Company to compensate...
Published 1884“…Serial set 2261…”
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Message from the President of the United States, transmitting communication from the Secretary of State relative to the reciprocity treaty between the United States and Spain. Dece...
Published 1884“…Serial set 2261…”
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Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a letter from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs with reference to the appropriation of $2,000 for the purchase of teams, &c...
Published 1885“…Serial set 2261…”
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Message from the President of the United States, transmitting communication of the Secretary of the Interior in relation to the condition of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians. Janua...
Published 1885“…Serial set 2261…”
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Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in answer to Senate resolution of April 22, 1884, report of the engineers concerning to Portage Lake and Lake Superior Ship-Canal. J...
Published 1885“…Serial set 2261…”
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Government Document Electronic eBook